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Writing Title Tags for Search Engines & People

Posted on Aug 15th, 2007
Written by Lee Odden
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    Say WhatThe title tag is probably one of the most important items on your blog posts. It not only attracts visitors, but is also used to help determine how the post ranks. However, what’s good for search engines, isn’t always good to attract users. The good news is that with WordPress blogs, you can target the best of both worlds a lot easier.

    To do this, you’d create a post with a title that is targeted towards getting people from blog search engines or grab their attention in feed readers. Something that jumps out a little or that makes the reader want more.

    Then, using SEO Title Tag, you can customize the page title for search engines. This may be a bit more formal and include a few more keyword phrases. Still very relevant to the content, but maybe not as edgie as the actual post title.

    As an example, your post title (the one that shows up in feed readers and blog search engines) can be: How I Royally Screwed My Site on Google. Now, for the actual page title you could say: Hidden Text – My SEO Experience and Google Lesson Learned.

    Ideally, if you could write both the post and the page title to be identical, and catch all viewers, that’d be great. However, sometimes what catches a viewers attention, and what a search engine likes to rank, are two different things.

    The same the same idea applies to social sites where the post title may be What Not To Do With Your Business Blog but then submit something like What Pisses Me Off About SEO Blogs to attract visitors and votes from Digg like sites.

    In the end, you want to get as many readers to your blog as you can.  Creating titles that rank well in search engines and help draw in visitors is key to getting people to your blog.  Now it’s up to your actual content to keep them there.