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Video: Cycle of Social & SEO

Posted on Sep 16th, 2010
Written by Lee Odden
In this article

    Ready to elevate your B2B brand?

    TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.

    While in Hong Kong I thought it might be interesting to start doing videos that offer tips against an interesting backdrop. There are so many amazing conversations and topics discussed at the events I travel to, why not combine that somehow?

    Watch this Content Marketing Optimization video to learn the simple, yet highly effective, method of incorporating search and social media keywords to guide content marketing optimization efforts. Combine optimized social media content with promotions to increase the traffic and sharing that will provide subsequent data to mine even more effective content ideas.


    Please let me know if you like this format of content. I’ve been doing more video interviews of other people in the search and social media marketing industry lately but I haven’t used video to share my own ideas. In the interest of making this blog even more interesting and useful, your feedback is greatly appreciated!